We celebrated our 60th anniversary in January 2022

January 1962

The Lodge was sponsored by members of Rectitude Secundus Lodge, No. 6778, which in turn is a daughter Lodge of Rectitude Lodge, No. 4727.

The Most Worshipful The Grand Master granted the sponsor’s petition on the 13th September 1961 and the Lodge was consecrated at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street on Thursday, 4th January, 1962.

The aims of the Founders were that “the new Lodge shall be a happy Lodge, and shall give the younger Brethren opportunity for advancement in the craft, and provide charity in its widest senses”. 

Meeting places

The first regular Lodge meeting was held at the Parkshot Rooms, Richmond, Surrey on Saturday 17th February 1962. The Lodge met at the Parkshot Rooms until June 1963 when it was decided to hold future meetings at the Shaftesbury Hotel, Monmouth Street, London.

In May 1975 the Lodge decided to hold all future meetings at Wingfield House, 261 South Lambeth Road, London. However, 7 years later the Lodge moved again to the Lancaster Gate Hotel, London, and 3 years after that (May 1985) it moved to the Park Court Hotel, Lancaster Gate, London.

In May 1993 following a period of rising costs and a growing realisation that the Lodge could no longer afford to remain in London, it was decided to relocate the Lodge to the Farnborough Masonic Centre and join the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

Our name

The name “More Majorum” (pronounced More-ay Ma-your-um) translates as “after the manner of our ancestors”. Intriguingly, it is also the motto of the 2nd Parachute Regiment of the French Foreign Legion.

The lodge crest

The symbols on the Lodge Crest were chosen to represent the following, the all seeing eye – the Creator; the compasses – God’s unerring and impartial justice; the square – morality, honesty and truthfulness, and it also points out our duty to our neighbour, to all Mankind and to the Craft; the columns – strength and beauty and, both being broken, charity in its widest sense.

Our members

As the Lodge has moved location several times over its history we have a diverse and geographically widespread membership with members coming from as far away as Gloucestershire, North Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Middlesex, Kent, Hertfordshire, West Sussex and Surrey. Over the last 60+ years there have been 48 different Masters of the Lodge, with six brothers holding the office twice and two brothers holding the office three times.

Our average age is much younger than the norm, hovering around 50 years, with our youngest member just 30 and our oldest in his 80s. Our members come from a variety of backgrounds: the military, the police force, finance, IT, business, the oil and gas industry, and the teaching profession . We have always been a small Lodge with membership at any one time rarely more than 26 or so. If you think you’d like to join us get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.